Since 1995, when Toy Story premiered in theatres, Pixar Animation Studios has been one of the most successful companies, both critically and financially, in the film industry. All of their films (with the exception of Cars) are, in my opinion, all fantastic films. With the recent release of Toy Story 3, I found that not only little children were anxious to see the film, but also all of my friends who watched the series when they were younger, and even adults. This only shows how much the Pixar films appeal to both kids and grown-ups. I think this is the case because, unlike films like Shrek, Kung-Fu Panda, and Ice Age, these movies contain qualities that both kids and adults find enjoyable, unlike the silly fart and booger jokes we see scattered in the other animated films today. I'm not saying that all animated movies are like this now. Disney has produced its fair share of likable cartoons in the past decade or so (The Emperor's New Groove, Lilo and Stitch, The Princess and the Frog), and more recent movies like Horton Hears a Who! and Madagascar tend to stray away from the stupid gross-out humor, but a lot of them are simply no more than money-grabbing kid flicks. So when ever I walk into a Pixar movie, I know I can expect something different, funny, and entertaining.
The point of all this is to ask you one question: what is your favorite Pixar movie and why? Either comment on this post or vote in the poll in the sidebar.